Baltic Sea Games
Baltic Sea Games (BSG), a brand established by the EU-Interreg Baltic Game Industry project to connect the Baltic Sea Region and its game industries under an umbrella identity. The eight European countries adjacent to the Baltic Sea join forces to strengthen the visibility for their game industries and facilitate access to this important market.

In November 2019, at GameOn in Vilnius, Lithuania, Baltic Sea Games launched the first iteration of the Baltic Sea Games Award and the panel “Game Investment 101“.
As part of devcom 2020, Baltic Sea Games hosted a pavilion with virtual booths for game studios and incubators of the Baltic Sea region and the panel “How do we incubate for non-entertainment game production?” – more info here.
powered by Baltic Game Industry

The game industry is the most dynamic creative industry worldwide with an exponential growth rate. Our project ‘Baltic Game Industry – Empowering a Booster for Regional Development’ (BGI) aims towards boosting the game industry in the Baltic Sea region (BSR), increasing the capacity for innovation and transferring the game industry in the region into a global player with worldwide competitiveness. The core element is the installation of durable game incubation structures, programmes and schemes that effectively support the emergence and viability of game start-ups.
The project “Baltic Game Industry” is financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, within the programme Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

Find out more on our website!
Concept: Christine Sauter
BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (BGZ Berlin International Cooperation Agency GmbH)
Pohlst. 67; DE-10785 Berlin
Contact person: Christine Sauter; Email:
State of Berlin (Land Berlin)
Jüdenstraße 1; DE-10178 Berlin
Contact person: Thyra Knauer
Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) (Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gemeinnützige GmbH (HWWI))
Fahrenheitstr. 1, DE-28359 Bremen
Contact person: Isabel Sünner
HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)
Campus Wilhelminenhof, Peter-Behrens-Haus, Raum 2102
Ostendstraße 1, DE-12459 Berlin
Contact person: Prof. Thomas Bremer
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf)
Martinistrasse 52, DE-20246 Hamburg
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Simone Kühn
Norddjurs Municipality (Norddjurs Kommune)
Torvet 3, DK-8500 Grenaa
Contact persons: Anne Risom, Henrik Gaardsmand Boldsen
Dania University of Applied Sciences (Erhvervsakademi Dania)
Minervavej 63, DK-8960 Randers SØ
Contact person: Mikkel Fledelius Jensen
Unit of Clinical Alcohol Research, Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark (Enheden for Klinisk Alkoholforskning, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet)
Winsløwparken 19, 3. Sal, DK-5000 Odense C
Contact person: Anette Søgaard Nielsen
Tartu City Government (Tartu Linnavalitsus)
Raekoja plats 1a (raekoda), EE-50089 Tartu
Contact person: Alo Lilles
Tartu Science Park Foundation (Sihtasutus Tartu Teaduspark)
Riia 181A, EE-51014 Tartu
Contact person: Henri Hanson
City of Helsinki (Helsingin kaupunki)
Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, P.O. Box 1, FI- 00099 City of Helsinki
Contact person: Sebastian Sihvola
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy)
PO BOX 4000 (Bulevardi 31), FI-00079 Metropolia
Contact person: Anitta Pankkonen
Neogames Finland (Neogames Finland ry)
Eteläranta 10, FI-00130 Helsinki
Contact person: Jari-Pekka Kaleva
Ventspils city municipal authority “Ventspils Digital centre” (Ventspils pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde Ventspils Digitālais centrs)
Akmeņu iela 3, LV-3601 Ventspils
Contact person: Gundars Bergmanis-Korāts
Foundation “Ventspils High Technology Park” (Nodibinājums Ventspils Augsto tehnoloģiju parks)
Ventspils Augsto tehnoloģiju parks 1, LV-3602 Ventspils
Contact person: Aleksandra Serebrjakova
AHK Service SIA (AHK Service SIA)
Strēlnieku iela 1-4, LV-1010 Riga
Contact person: Aleksandrs Karru
Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre (Viesoji istaiga Lietuvos inovaciju centras)
Mokslininku str. 6A, LT-08412 Vilnius
Contact person: Tautvydas Pipiras
Kaunas Science and Technology Park (Kauno mokslo ir technologijų parkas)
K. Petrausko St. 26, LT-44156 Kaunas
Contact person: Jurgita Šarkienė
Krakow Technology Park LLC (Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.)
Podole 60, PL-30-394 Kraków
Contact person: Łukasz Leszczyński
Krakow Technology Park LLC (Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.)
Podole 60, PL-30-394 Kraków
Contact person: Łukasz Leszczyński
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin (Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie)
ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin
Contact person: Jolanta Kucharska
Invest Stockholm Business Region (Invest Stockholm Business Region AB)
Box 16282, SE-103 25 Stockholm
Contact person: Jenny Berthling
Swedish Games Industry Association of Swedish Game Developers (Dataspelsbranschen (Spelplan ASGD AB))
Box 22307, SE-104 22 Stockholm
Contact person: Anton Albiin