BSGI Expert Workshop No. 4






International expert round on scaling up game business support in the BSR

The project “Baltic Sea Game Incubation” is a follow-up of the “BGI Baltic Game Industry” project (funded by the Interreg-BSR programme). Our endeavour is to provide a sustainable expert environment and knowledge base on game developer incubation, acceleration and business support. Lively exchange amongst experts in this field will provide a fertile ground to further empower the “incubation / business support” ecosystem.

The expert rounds are designed to dive deeper into topics that are often not really questioned, even though there are many different approaches applied in the industry / community. The discussions should challenge the different underlying assumptions and enable the experts to critically re-think their own strategies and practices. To a certain extent, the series of discussions might lead to reshaping the current notion of “game incubation”, perhaps eventually arriving at a different design than the current one which seems heavily based on the model of IT and film incubation.

Our fourth expert round will take place on November 23, 2021

  • Topic: Scale up game business support in the BSR

The project Baltic Sea Game Incubation is financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, within the programme Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

Next: BSGI Mentor Workshop