Tag: serious games
Interview with Kerstin Schütt of Twisted Ramble Games (“Duru”)
As part of the Baltic Sea Games pavilion at devcom digital conference 2020, Baltic Sea Games interviewed Kerstin Schütt of Twisted Ramble Games who are currently developing their game "Duru"! Read more
Tags: baltic game industry, baltic sea games, baltic sea region, business, business model, business plan, creativity, crowdfunding, funding, game industry, public funding, serious games, universitybalticseagames.home.blog
(Ger.) Abschlussevent BGI
Die Senatskanzlei Berlin und die BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH laden Sie herzlich ein zur Online-Veranstaltung “Good-bye Baltic Game Industry – Hello Baltic Sea Games” am 18. November, 14:00-16:00 Uhr! Read more
Tags: baltic game industry, baltic sea games, baltic sea region, eu interreg, serious gamesyoutube.com
Panel “How do we incubate for non-entertainment game production?”
At the video game conference devcom digital conference 2020, Baltic Sea Games hosted the panel "The Devil’s in the detail: How do we incubate for non-entertainment game production?"! Read more
Tags: baltic sea games, coaching, events, game incubation, incubator, internationalisation, mentoring, networking, serious games, trainingCollaborating
Useful collaboration activities for incubators. Read more
Tags: collaboration, experts, financing, incubator, internationalisation, knowledge, mentoring, networking, serious games, veteranMentors
Senior game industry individuals, showing the tricks of the trade. Read more
Tags: game community, incubator, mentoring, serious games, training, veteranSpecific Experts / Lecturers
Short-term engagement of experts for specific topics. Read more
Tags: experts, serious games, training