Tag: VR
VR Health Reference Model
The VR Health Reference Model forms the basis for an efficient and successful implementation of VR technology and software in health institutions across the BSR. Read more
Tags: baltic game industry, baltic sea games, baltic sea region, business, business model, eu interreg, VRbaltic-games.eu
Recommendations for the Implementation of VR Applications in Other Industries
One of the many goals of the Baltic Game Industry project is the piloting of the implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) in a non-gaming context, in this case, for the health sector. Read more
Tags: baltic game industry, baltic sea games, baltic sea region, business, business model, eu interreg, VRWorkspace
Facilities, equipment, infrastructure. Read more
Tags: accelerator, branding, co-working, incubation model, incubator, networking, peer-to-peer, start-ups, tech park, university, VRgamesindustry.biz
Koch Media acquires Vertigo Games for €50m
The Dutch VR publisher joins Embracer Group, in a deal that could rise a further €65m over ten years. Read more
Tags: baltic sea region, investing, publishing, VRGame Community
Stakeholder groups and organisations with community-focused approaches and activities. Read more
Tags: accelerator, co-working, game community, game industry, incubator, knowledge, public funding, VRgamasutra.com
Facebook to discontinue Oculus Rift S, will no longer develop PC-only VR hardware
Facebook is backing away from PC-bound VR entirely, quietly announcing during Facebook Connect today that it will no longer develop PC-only VR hardware. Read more
Tags: VR